• متن پست
    • اشك خوني
      يكي از علل اشك خوني وجود تومور در مجراي اشكي مي باشد
      ساير علل شامل عفونت باكتريايي و شكستگي حاي حفره اربيت ميباشد

      Haemolacria is a physical condition that causes
      a person to produce tears that are partially
      composed of blood. It can manifest as tears
      that are anything from merely red-tinged to
      appearing to be entirely made of blood.

      Haemolacria is a symptom of a number of diseases,
      and may also be indicative of a tumor in the lacrimal
      apparatus. It is most often provoked by local factors
      such as bacterial conjunctivitis, environmental damage
      or injuries.

      Acute haemolacria can occur in fertile women and
      seems to be induced by hormones, similarly to
      what happens in endometriosis
  • اخرین دیدگاه ها

    • مثلا اندومتریوز چشم ؟!


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